People can misuse powers.
Take the Christian church of the middle ages,
it was illegal for a lay person to know how to read, the only people allowed to learn to read was the priests. This was so the Church could 'control' the people, they wouldn't have nothing but the say so of the Church. It was forbidden to write or speak scripture in any language except Latin.
When Witch Hunts in Mass. in the 1600s, anyone could be branded a witch, if they had a different look or thought.
My point is that all through history, things and ideas that have been ment for good has and will continue to be misused for personal gain.
If TK is used to lift a car off of someone that was ran over--it is good. But if TK is used to remove a jack supporting a car while a person is under it, TK then becomes a dangerous thing.
Hope this helps.