Thanks for all replies.
I've actually printed out your Feel the power posts. Very interesting. However , I'm afraid that meditation will give me the ability to remain concious while falling asleep which has annoyed me a lot lately.

I've tried 'Sleep Reduction' preset from serveral times so I don't know if it works for me or not. In 's article named Good Sleep Good Memory or something like this. They told that sleep reduction is a joke. The more theta brainwave we produced , the more sleep we need.... What is your opinion????? I'm confused. However , I don't want to play with those brainwave stuffs anymore. I'm afraid I will go crazy someday

P.S. I also wonder why Pete isn't crazy if he can do spontaneous activation at will. Tlingit should say something here since he's the one who claim to have frequent spontaneous activation. Don't you guys get damn annoyed if there're unconcious images 24 hours a day ???

I'm usually woke up by my dad. What should I do? If he doesn't wake me up, I'll sleep 10 or more hours...
