There are numerous websites on photoreading which give slightly different advice on how to proceed. For example, some of them recommend the alpha brainwave state (8-14 Hz), while others recommend the theta state (4-8 Hz). The alpha state is known for the fact that both the conscious and other-than-conscious minds are able to function together, while the theta state is a more tranced-out state for just the other-than-conscious mind, which is what photoreading uses.

There are numerous 'frequency lists' on the web such as these ones:

and even an entire Yahoo group on brainwave entrainment:

where this topic has been mentioned:

but there does not seem to be any authoritative information, and some of the websites contradict each other and provide very few references for their claims. It is also worth noting that there are individual differences in the effects of various frequencies, so that one person will achieve maximum alpha learning at 10.4 Hz, while another will at 8 Hz and another at 12 Hz:

Does Learning Strategies Corporation have a recommendation on this subject, or is a deep state of relaxation all that is required for photoreading? And for activation (accessing the other-than-conscious), is the alpha state preferable to beta? Using an anchor to go to alpha (eg the three-fingers technique from the Silva Method) could be very helpful for this.

[This message has been edited by zx02 (edited March 23, 2002).]