OK folks, I wanted to promote a discussion on certain aspects of the system but we don’t need to get personal.

Let me reiterate, I believe the system works it’s just that I have to question the need for certain stages. I have had one inexplicable success with the PR stage itself. I borrowed a biography about a British actor and just did the PR step. After this I was moved to ask the owner of the book if this actor was gay. I never had any knowledge he was but I just felt after the PR stage that he was. The answer was yes, he is gay and that fact is somewhere towards the end of the book. Now I don’t know how I knew this, it MUST have been because I PhotRead the book so I believe it works. Now to repeat my point about activation, if I can pick up things like that through the PR step alone why do we need to activate, which in my mind is a collective term for the different ways of reading ‘traditionally’.

Now some would say this is ‘spontaneous activation’ – a term I’ve never understood. I think this ‘instant knowing’ is why most people buy the system. If this works for one bit of information why can’t it work for everything in the book. Paul Scheele and his team talk about the limitation we all impose on ourselves and the fact we have to break-through our self-constructed barriers so before anybody tells me I’m expecting too much just ask yourself if that’s another barrier your erecting for me.

I have had some amazing experiences in things unrelated to PhotoReading that I can’t explain at all so I know that the absolute limits of human abilities have not yet been reached, only the limitation we’ve put in place for ourselves.

I don’t believe Paul Scheele is satisfied with what he’s achieved so far with PhotReading, I’d be surprised if he wasn’t currently working on ways to improve the technique and push the boundaries of what he can convince us is possible.