Glad to hear it! I read the rebounding book... a tad cheesy and most unscientific. But who cares?! Innumerable benefits to trampolining, to be sure. But the thing about rebounding for me is simply this: it's so damn fun. I used to be a serious runner. PAIN! and casual rower... PAIN! *PANT!* *GASP!* dying.....dead.


Try singing on it in the morning, belting out your favorite song or musical...what a start to your day! Or for absolute intensity, firey techno music...w-o-w
Music really makes the difference.

It's like an instant *happiness machine*. Or energy machine, that you can use at any time of the day.

I don't know anyone who could rebound and not suddenly, instantly begin to feel euphoric and energized. The miracle cure for depression and low-energy? Could be.

Unnatural Brilliance.