I only realised recently that I suffer from this. I guess all the photoreading and paraliminals I've been doing recently have brought it to my conscious mind.

Haven't yet pinpointed why I do it, but have realised that it's causing me a lot of problems. I'm a freelance writer and have some urgent jobs on but find myself avoiding the work, even when it's pretty simple. (I used to do it with assignments at university too).

Ordered the Automatic Pilot paraliminal and have had some success with it. I find side B too confusing for now, but have just listened to side A before sleeping at night (turning off before the count up), whilst thinking about the precise task I have to do for the next day - and I have found myself, the next day, getting on with the task in hand with a new energy.

There are quite a few threads discussing procrastination on the Paraliminal Learning board. Many people say the Get Around To It paraliminal is even more effective. Do a search on 'procrastination' on the Paraliminal Learning board and see what you find.

Good luck!

ulysses. UK.