-If your attitude is, "I can't get it out of my subconscious mind, even though it's already in there." You DON'T understand the system.-

I do understand that after I PR/Act a book all I know is what I dipped on. I'll ask you again, what am I supposed to after only getting bits and peices out of the books I read? When I actually add Mind Mapping my reading pace is slower than half of Evelyn Woods and my comprehension is only of that that I actually read through dipping.

-Ed Strachar visited a PR seminar, and he refuses to talk about it. -

He obviously also took MegaSpeedreading, all the other speedreading courses and Tony Robbins. Since you brought it up Paul attended a Subliminal Dynamics seminar. Photoreading is just a collection of reading techniques taken from other courses and books, it's steps are just renamed speedreading techniques, all sold as a separate "System." It obviously works for you but I can't get it to work. Saying that I don't "understand" someone elses collection of bootlegged reading techniques isn't saying anything bad about me. The fastest thing that works for me is Photoreading, oops, Mental Photography then Speedreading. As soon as I find out who the first person was to coin the phrase and teach it, I'll start calling it by it's real name so I can give credit where it's due.

You don't like RG because it's just speedreading and NLP exercises focused on reading. I understand that, who cares if my formula doesn't do it for you, it probably only works for me.

The 'false claims' you are referring to are the 25,000 wpm and "better comprehension" and all that and I can relate to that but I'm not saying it from a stand point of opinion, I've actually been through them both.

By the way, Ed used the Subliminal Dynamics course as his model for Reading Genius, NOT the Photoreading Course. He just added NLP and music to it. Should Ed be nicer on his sight, I think so. He should also be honest.

Here's an outline of the Subliminal Dynamics course as posted by SD student here around 6 months ago... (I'm paraphrasing)

1- Read book upside down and backwards 3 times as fast as you can
2- Speedread- pick out trigger words as you read the page from top to bottom
3- Ask and answer questions like an exam
4- Take a verbal exam by a friend
5-Look at the front cover of the book as a trigger for your uncon mind
6-Write about the book
7-Emotions- use feeling to stir up answers
8- Image Stream- or Vivid Mind Pictures

Supposedly all of this here did not work for the Creator or Photoreading or Reading Genius, they made their own way, and sold it.

If you say something bad about RG then it also applies to PR. Even though technically they should be similar, they are as different as night and day. RG doesn't copy anything from PR, it follows NLP.

-I'm sorry that you've turned to the darkside.-

All I'm doing is speedreading with the PR step still. If I'm going to overlook something I don't need, I'll at least scan it so I know for sure. I'm probably not doing anything dissimilar than you are, I'm just skipping the foreplay.

You know the funny thing is and I noticed this with diet book authors, once someone sells and idea they then have to defend it. And they can never change their mind or the people who bought it will get mad because they think they were lied to. You and I don't have to do that though, we can continuously read and change things around. Even though Dana gets and income and probably has a better job than any of us will ever have, he can't say anything outside of the PR guidelines. He can't say "well if you just want to read then just read and get the h*ll out of here!"