-Tell me exactly how you are "following every step." Include the name of the book you are reading, the level of comprehension you want, and how much time you have spend activating.-

We must interupt your pattern.

-I may take a look at reading-genius to help me with technical documentation-

I've melted them together. I'm still trying to get PR to work, it's like an addiction. It's like a lottery ticket, I just can't let the dream go.

I Photoread 'Preconcious Processing' by Norman Dixon today and I really didn't get much out of it. All I wanted to find was what was related to photoreading and most of the book was all about proving that you can take in stimulus nonconsciously and process it but very little was usefull in regards to printed material outside of the short one liners used by those subliminal advertisers. I know that material taken in consciously can be processed unconsciously but to be taken in unconsciously, processed and then spit out into something understandable... I have yet to see any concrete evidence and outside of the couple courses that teach it, no one really cares about it. Because if you still gotta read then you still gotta read and who knows how you're getting it, one way or the other.

BTW, how can I be sucked into the dark side if I wasn't even on any side in the first place?