What i am after is complete comprehension aand the material that i have ot read is not fluff and some lite detail. In fact it is mostly all detail,and its over 500-1000 pages of complete detail which has to be completly understood and rememberd exactly.

With the photoreading system you can collect just as much information out of a book as you want. A 500-1000 page textbook would take probably 50 hours (as an example since each person will have a different learning pace, for different material) to learn by the regular reading method. With the photoreading system you could reduce this to 15 hours for the same level of comprehension or you could invest a bit more time say 21 hours and gain better comprehension than you would have with regular reading. You still cover more ground than you do by regular reading.

I pray thatI did not waste my time and money on this system. I genuinely need help and was hoping that this was the answer. I so badly needed this system to improve my wife and i's life and financial situation. I am not rich as many ofyou seem to be and I cannot afford the money and the time loss if this systme does not work.So far , i have tried the first tape and guess what, it did nothing for me and in fact inthe dictionary game, i guessed a word that was not even in the book, what is the answer to that?? Is there no hope for me?? Do i have to pod through mounds of this material on my own??

The dictionary game is just a game. Complete the course before you judge the results. The fact that you selected a word that was not even in that dictionary is in essance your mind demonstrating its skill in processing information that is in the dictionary. The question is how did you feel when you were looking for that word in you mind. When it happened to me I was annoyed because I wasn't getting a picture... I had a very strong feeling that I was wrong about the placement that I was trying to guess. That turned out to be a good thing. My inner mind was showing me that the information that I was looking for wasn't there. I turned around to experience similar feeling with other books when I expected information on questions I formed. It became my signal saying... poor question or not related to this book.

Keep going with the course. The dictionary game is just a game.

When you have tried the whole system once though I'm sure you'll see the benefits. Once you've completed the course, use the forum and the coaching available with the system to hone it for your studies. There are plenty of study tips here. It's just easier to put them to work for you once you've got a start with the system.

Re-read page 17 of the photoreading book because photoreading is different to the way you used to read. Unlike a lot of other home study courses LSC does provide help for to see success with the system. You just need to take your foot off the brakes and give it a go.
