
I'm a newbie at PR but been involved in learning and teaching electronics/computers etc. for 30 years.

As a test for learning PR I've been attempting to learn Italian, primarily by PR of various Berlitz Books for the written content.

I can already speak Malay and Welsh and started Mandarin some years ago but gave up du to lack of time to devote to it.

I picked Italian for the course because I am interested in learning but have never started so that PR would provide all of my knowledge. Having trouble initially with turning the pages at a page per second I reread my Maly books by PR and found that the Malay flooded back. Similarly my totally fogotten Chinese has returned although not as quickly.

I am not finding that activation of the totally new Italian is being successful.

Since you appear to be attempting the same sort of language experiment successfully I have the following questions regarding technique

1. How are you forming questions since in a language course I figure that I need to know ALL of the limited vocabulary provided by Berlitz.

2. Can you indicate how you mind map language learning.

I am not particularly intesrested in learning all of the grammar but simply enough so that I could find my way around Milan or Rome without using English in the same way that I can wander around Kuala Lumput or Jakarta using Malay/Indonesian.

Thanks in advance.