Okay, here's a visual answer, but it's not entirely accurate (kinda hard to reproduce 3D on a monitor), and the graphics are kinda larger than average, so bear with me.

This is how a regular page layout looks:

That's a recreation of pages 4 and 5 of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, side by side, as if you had the pages spread out.

Here's that same image when your eyes are diverged:

So you're thinking, "I can't read ANY of that!" Don't worry, you're not supposed to, that's the point for this part of the process. Please note how the page numbers have made phantom copies of themselves side by side.

This is the Blip Page itself, highlighted from everything else:

Hope that helps...if you have problems understanding it, let me know.

-Ramon http://razor.ramon.com

[This message has been edited by razordu30 (edited August 19, 2002).]