Ok, i said sorry because i didnt understand you and felt bad because u wrote so much. And i still didnt understand.

About AlexK, I feel compelled to tell you to leave him alone. He pointed out that you were being a tard, let the others see it also then you scold him because you were probly hoping you could get away with it? In your post you said that he is not allowed to point out your being insulting, yet. I know a couple of other people say your post to him was also insulting. You yourself are allowed to be insulting?

Double Standard?

From what ive seen from your posts in this, You have shown your true colors. And i dont accept your apology.(apologies?) And to be quite frank, I dont even think your worth bothering this much over. Sure you said sorry, but for what reason? To fix your name for yourself on this forum board? Or because you really meant it. In end, You are not worth knowing. Your help comes with a price.