Thanks for the points! Can I redeem them for something?

Anyone that has 5 cars really needs to be run over by one of them.

There was this one episode of "Wings" where the girl was looking for a sign from god as to whether or not she should pursue her music career, I think she played the cello or something. Then her plane wrecks in the ocean as she's on her way to an audition and she's floating around in a life raft (her cello sank with the plane) and she's like, "I got my answer. God doesn't want me to waste any more time with music." and just then her cello in the case popped up out of the water and she screamed NOOOOOOOO! and shot it and blew it apart with the flare gun she had. All along she didn't want to waste away in her phoney dream world of being a musician but she just couldn't drop it without all the dramatics.

When someone starts to wake up from a dream there are all sorts of people just waiting to bark the positive Tony Robbins phrases at them to bring them back down because if someone leaves our dream, then dang it, I'm not affirmed!!!

Dragha, WAKE UP !!! Quit perpetuating the dream! Your initial instincts are correct. You're tired of the yellow brick road, remember?

"Bored people with empty lives will fall for any product or program, no matter how idiotic." 10 points to whoever comes up with the author of that.