
You have the freedom to state your beliefs. You also have the freedom to sound like a complete d*ck, which it seems you're exercising with great fervor.

He started a thread asking if anyone has PRed the bible, and what their experience was. I had no problem with you suggesting other sources to read, but then you said:

"Allow me to ask: why such interest in the bible?...Christian cosmology and orthodox- generally institutionalised- belief now seems silly, irrelevant, and, in fact, hampering to the development of spiritual capacity...Why do you feel the personal need for this religion, if you do consider yourself Christian?"

He asked if anyone experienced the ability to quote chapter and verse, not a tirade on what you speculate is "silly and irrelevant".

There is a time and a place to discuss your beliefs; there are skeptic websites, theology forums - places for you to deny or uphold the thoughts of others.

I'll even give you that certain threads may be deemed "appropriate"; if he had said, "Looking for thoughts on Christianity" I'd be willing to throw you a bone.

But when the man asks how the recollection is of those who have applied an accelerated comprehension technique on a book, and receives a rant discussing your "seele (german, approx. psyche/soul)" and Nietzche quotes, not only is it a really irritating digression, it's a pompous, condescending, in-your-face call for attention, and it ****es most of the community off.

Take your antagonism to a yahoo group.

If there is a God, I hope he deletes this thread.