I can only add this, i bought the tape set and i never finished it becasue i didnt get it and got discouraged. all throughtout the books and here at the forum, was mention of mind mapping. I dont know how to mind map and i didnt want to learn a whole new techinque on top of photoreading. All in all i am disappointed in the system and myself. my confidence is at all time low and this failure just helped to add to my list of failures. what is was hoping for was a way to read all my books and truly understand everyword and rememer everything perfectly. But it was not the case with this system.I dont know how to mind map and i dont have the time or money to have someone show me how. Also, 99% of the books that i have to read and know perfectlya re computer books. I cant even begin to understand how to mind map those books. Also, if i wanted to mindmpa , why did i buy this system instead of the mind map books?? I am sorry if this is not what you want to hear but this system requires alot of work, but if you are able to work hard at this system then you really dont need this sytem do you??