the only answer college gave me was to the question of "what do you do?"

"oh, i go to school."

if youre interested in school, make sure you fill out the fafsa form with-in the next few months. you can do it online. school was a waste for me, but thats b/c i had no purpose.

also, if school isnt for you right now, check out the student conservation association. ill likely be working on park trails this summer through them (drunk wilderness girls), so thats another possibility for you fellow lost person.

academy/college isnt the answer for me right now. im not getting any further in debt. at least, not where i stand today. i am filling out the fasa form in case i change my mind.

brushing is a pain. ive found brushing while half asleep in the shower a good solution.

there must be a former loser turned successful person who can help? suggestions? do it for me and give me the success? testify!!!