There won't be any prepackaged solutions to what you are trying to find. It sound like you just don't know what you want to do.

My friend in his late twenties was living with his parents. Complete, utter, loser who did nothing with his life. His parents got sick of it and tossed his bum ass out. He had to live in his van..... even had to clean himself and his change of clothes daily in a local river. finally got some minimum wage job and started going to a community college and after three year (was not full time student), graduated last year with math/computer degree and started off with a mid 20K job a year.... not super successful but better than where he was..... and his story will probably continue into the future....

Two points.... one, that was a success story, he achieve autonomy, self-reliance, and is in a better position now.

Two, he was not motivated to do anything before, like you. When he got kicked out, he learned, 'necessity is the mother of invention' so to speak, he made his own motivation.....

So the best advice I can give is to go out and make your own motivation or you will keep getting whatever scraps life sends your way.... that's all there is to it....

I know it's nothing major, but life's full of simple truths.