astro: here are some books you might like, if you havent come across them already:

the outsider (colin wilson)
the medusa frequency (russell hoban)
fight club (chuck palahniuk)
the ****-up (arthur nersesian)
choke (chuck palahniuk)
catch-22 (joseph heller)
the catcher in the rye (jd salinger)

alex: if i turned off tv, id miss scrubs and simpsons. those are great shows. i think i get what you are saying though.

here's a nice quote from, i dont recall where:

"the effect of life in society is to complicate and confuse our existence, making us forget who we really are by causing us to become obsessed w/ what we are not."

or there's

"we all grew up to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we wont. and we're slowly learning that fact. and we are very, very ****ed off (fight club, film)."

nice quotes, i think.

irregardless, its ok to type irregardless. even though its not a word, just as its okay to watch tv. as with all things, excess is considered bad, but its only bad if you consider it so.

i know successful people who watch lots of tv and i know unsuccessful people, me, who watch little (go scrubs!).