The most depressing thing on tv to watch is the news. I highly recommend you not bother watching it most of the time, just ask a friend if anything major is going on. Another thing i've discovered is spending more than 3 or 4 hours a week playing comp games is a bad thing. Any more than that is just wasting time you could be spending improving yourself. Much less than that and your not having any fun I wouldn't recommend you smash your keyboard however as that gets expensive after the 3rd or 4th time... When i kno i've been online too long i TURN THE COMPUTER OFF!! Sometimes i even have to leave the room, but then, i accomplish the work i needed to do, then I can go relax for awhile and post messages on forums and stuff o, btw, anyone tried binaural beats? I've been trying "Brainwave Generator" to reduce my sleep, with limited success, anyone have any ideas?