Martin, I'm glad someone finally said it matter-of-factly. I hope it doesn't insult anyone, but I do think that the truly happy, succesful people are out living their lives instead of searching for a magic bullet. As an example, those who've mastered photoreading are reaping the benefits for themselves instead of hanging out here (except for some people who are nice enough to provide some encouragement to us). It doesn't make those people selfish, though, don't get me wrong. I too would like to busy myself with cool stuff and a great job instead of tv and internet. Pman, thanks for the advice and the book rec's. The GED went well and I'll get my score in six weeks. USC will most likely accept me so I'm not worried or anything. What bothers me is that I'm perpetuating this laziness and I can only hope that I can overcome it for school. Just curious, does anyone here NOT suffer from depression or anxiety? It seems to me that perfectly happy people have no desire for self I wrong?