Originally posted by allenhm:
Whats up Darth:

Very well put reply I agree with you 1000%
I'm not attacking your post and reply. What I'm attacking is the fact that you shouldn't have to abuse a technology to obtain those results. With regular use and following the instructions, those effects will be obtained and the brain/mind will be able to handle the stimuli a lot better. It's like when you start lifting weights, you don't start out bench pressing 350lbs especially if you've been a couch potato for the past 10 years, You work your way up to 350 gradually not coming out of the starters block full bore.

Your reply is also very well put and absolutely true! And, by the way, you can "attack" my posts all you like. I think it is great that people can be so open about expressing views on this forum, and I am always pleased to see how mature and genuine the posts are on this discussion board.

It is easier to feel the pain if you tried that with the weights than it is doing something radical with your mind. I think that one of the problems humans have is that they want the results like...yesterday or they lose interest, so they go at things like a bull at a gate. What is it they say in the East? "The journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step".

Have fun and "May the force be with you!"