I start by regular-reading the first page, skittering the next, and then using Super-Reading and Dipping for the rest. Occasionally I'll drop into a skitter pattern (usually involves drawning an Infinity loop over a paragraph with my eyes) for a few pages. Sometimes I'll drop into a very long dip, but usually that's because something has just tripped a Mind-Probe question, and here the answer is right now. E.g., "what causes equilibria" was a mind probe question for "Reinventing Dawrin." I regular read pages 78-81 because the heading of that section was, "what causes stasis?"

If I activate without going much for purpose, it gets a bit boring, but I do find one anyway. When I did Aeneid, I would dip into ever reference of Hecate, directly or indirectly, and perhaps skitter other things. It's the only thing I actually cared about, although I profess an interest in Cultural Literacy.