Hi Kenji,

Here is my experience with PRing math books. I learned PRing as I was finishing my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I had been putting off 2 math classes because, frankly, I was scared of them. One of them was Linear Algebra - I did OK in a lower level LA class about 10 years before but it has been a very long 10 years. The other class was called Computational Theory and is the 400 level advanced version of Discrete Math - which I failed twice before finally getting a C. Needless to say, math was my worst subject.

My approach to these courses was to Direct Learn (PR without activating) the books about a month before class started with a stated purpose of deeply absorbing the material in the books. Then, I PRed the books the night before the first class with the purpose of deeply learning the structure of the math. As I was working problems, if I got stuck on something, I PRed the book again with the purpose of finding something to help me solve the problem. Then I would either go on to another problem for a while or take a break for a while. In every case, when I came back to the problem some new approach "popped into my head" which led to the answer. I got an A in both classes.

Believe it will work. Practice it and be very careful in how you state your purpose and it will work for you too.

Good luck!