
My heartfelt wishes goes out to you and your mother. I too know how you feel. 8 months ago I lost my mother to pancreatic cancer for which there is no present cure. To see a fun, bubbly, extremely happy 220lbs woman in a matter of 6 months deteriorate down to 100lbs. To see the glow and happiness disappear from here eyes and face to be replaced with pain, and morphine induced complacency. She was my best friend, my sounding board. I love her dearly and miss her, but I'm happy for her because she is no longer in pain. She went home to her mother and father & other members of her family that completed their life's mission on this earth. "She is Home". I know that I will see her again when my life's mission has been completed and I will love the re-union. Is there an after-life? you bet there is. Ramon, think of a caterpillar that spins a cocoon about itself. The caterpillar as he know it has died. Days later, a winged creature of splendid beauty comes out of the cocoon ready to take flight. Metamorphous completed. The caterpillar has evolved to the next high level. Remember from physic, "matter can neither be created, nor destroyed, but can be changed from one form to another. When we pass on, we become like the caterpillar. Don't worry!!!! she will be fine.