
Ideal=100% into sub

Disctraction = most went in, go back upside down to get some back.

Completely chatting w/ friend while PRing, major beta activity, 0PRed or very little went it.

Stay ideal, reach total relax, then the material will feel like it went in.

During PRing, some emotions might come to you if you are RELAXED. Clear minded, focused, and in the beginers mind.

For example, I disliked American History, but I am currently sluggering thru AP US. I took a REA review book and PRed that to see how that can attribute to my understanding of this dreedful history. I felt all happy after PRing it and affirmed it... After that I had Lunch, during this I felt extremely Angered and Malace took form in my mind. I was getting some Chinese food in my Sk00 lunch and imagination of a typical racist American appeared in my mind. He intentionally bumped into me and provoked anger, and thus in response, I "took action" against him. I think he ended up dead or something, then the next thing on my mind was the Chinese discrimination in the West Coast during the 1800s... Interesting...Emotions might not leak thru during PRing or it might overtake your whole entire experience.

PLAY AROUND, be active. PR as much as you want.

Important thought, don't screw up your opinion on the text by previewing wrong by reading into passages. NEVERRRRRRRRRR
