
If you apply just the steps of SQ3R most people can significantly reduce the amount of time spent with their reading material.

One of the fundamentals not often taught is establishing your purpose for your reading. Then having questions to keep you focused on the reading material. It is also a false assumption that the sound fundamentals of reading have been taught in all schools. A look at the high illiteracy levels being addressed by remedial reading programs seems to point to a only handful of people being taught those sound fundamentals. In fact there are corporations spending money training their employees to preview, prioritise, question and read, their reading material.

While photoreading alone can be all that is necessary, spontaneous activation is elusive for many. The addition of manual activation adopted from methods like SQ3R help with the mind probing which so many have not been taught in relation to reading.

Anyone who has learnt the photoreading system can try for themselves if skipping the PhotoReading stage makes a difference.
