I meant, obivously, the results with a larger group of people than yourself, people who may or may not share your self-styled faith in PRing. Yes, the "placebo effect", as applicable, may be in the other steps, which I already indicated. Along with that the true effect of PRing, as compared to SQ3R, our original question, may be in those other steps, rendering it useless. I'm sorry but one person does not demonstrate otherwise. I know your reaction will be what about all the other people practicing PRing, well, what about the thousands of people who have benefitted similarly using SQ3R and other methods. To reiterate for the thousandth time, this doesn't mean I'm a priori against PRing. I use it myself. What it means is that we haven't yet done enough controlled research to demonstrate how it works and where, and that would include the question of the benefit of the PRing step. Nothing you just said changes that, I'm sorry.
Furthermore, what is this IVBA. I have researched electroencepholagraphy and not once heard of the IVBA. Where can one view these results and what is this specific pattern? furthermore, can one use this specific pattern to verify any effectiveness, presumably resulting from the proper performance of the PR step itself? An intriguing question. As I said: brainwaves do not, in themselves, tell us much beyond what gross region in the brain has been activated and to what degree, and with what tentative qualities.

KO "Busily Hammering The Idols"

P.S. Chang, you really annoy me. Few of your posts make any sense. I asked an honest question and you resorted to calling me racist, unless that was a poorly-disguised joke. Does any information in the Veda's actually show ancient chinese scribes using PRing or a similar technique, and where can I find this? I really want to know.