One thing on mind-maps, they're actually pretty easy when you think about them. You're not writing many of the words that make up sentences - you're just writing a few words and connecting them with lines. It's a lot easier and quicker to draw a mindmap then to write a 2-5 page book report, and you really do get the same information from looking at the map, if you've read the book.

If you want a mind-blowing experience, PhotoRead, Activate and Rapid Read the Book of the Subgenius... and then look at the mind-map they have on the inside front cover. I remember just looking at it one day after I learned PhotoReading, and suddenly it all HIT ME that I was READING THE WHOLE BOOK in an iconic form, all on ONE SINGLE PAGE. It felt a bit like sniffing a thousand magic markers all at once while receiving a slow sheet-lightening enema. "BOB" works in mysterious ways, my friends.