Just adding a thought on the relevance of programming to PR.

You see, large amounts of books are full of useless bull.

PR and activating is superb because it cuts through this bull and gets to the real facts.

I'm currently endeavouring to learn Java.

I love prgramming because EVERYTHING! is relevant.

A whole program can go wrong due to a missed or incorrect syntax.

Of course, Java is an object oriented language which helps a lot.

I think that something like programming would be one of the few areas of study in which you could Not! apply activation alone, without going into normal read mode.

This is because when you are learning how to code, attention to detail is of paramount importance.

PR employs that we get an overall picture of a subject in our subconscious.I believe that PR a book on programming is a good idea for this reason.

I also believe that mind mapping is good to get a picture of the book.

Dipping to get relevant details is all very well but I believe with a book on programming, then only careful study is the option.

You see, we're talking about reading, programming doesn't contain normal words so we first have to understand the meaning of those words/symbols

The reason why it's possible for anyone to PR is because most people can already read.

However, not everyone, not many in fact, people can understand programming.

I know what you'll say."What about learning another human language, isn't that the same as learning programming?"

The difference here is that many other languages have the same letters and symbols.
Programming involves syntax which is unfamiliar in normal human spoken language.

I'm open to suggestion about this and would be interested on hearing peoples thoughts and even find out if I'm wrong in what I currently think.

However, I would warn anybody who wants to be a top programmer, attention to detail is of the highest priority.

[This message has been edited by flex22 (edited August 25, 2003).]