Ok...maybe i've understood.
Now, i'm going to activate a book called"the laws philosophy".
Look if I'm doing weel:
2)prewiew:looking at title,trigger words and so on...
4)activation one chapter a time(about 15 min per chapter) with this type of questions:
a)in the relations between people, wich role laws have?
b)What's a "law"?
c)Polic and laws:they always agree?
d)who's Kelsen?
e)laws is the same of justice?
f)who says what is good or bad?
g)wich is the moethod do do this?
h)what arethe limits of the laws?
i)what means"to be free"?...
Are these good formulated questions or not?

Grazie a lot

PS My purpose is :To learn as best as I can this book so I can pass the exames, become a good lawyer and increse my ability in language .