I`ve had the course for over 2 years now.And I have not realy used it. I have started on it but I have not put 100% attention to the course.
Now I have desided to use the course to get out of my stuck states.But I feel I need some help form some professionales.I`m from Norway and there are some steps I can`t fully understand.(language problems)

So if I can get guidens through the course that would be greate.

So here are my stuck state I want to get over first:
4 years ago I was in my lifes shape.After spending 2 years in China training martial art.Coming back to Norway was a big down trip,it felt like going back in life.I could not find anyone who could teatch me so mutch as in the years in china.So after some time I stopped my training.Started eating unhealthy food , started to smoke,watching more television,got overweighted and so

It`s as if my life turned upside down.

I have tryed to change things but I have not succeded.

I feel that I know my stuck state. But how do I use the course correctly?