If you were to put conscious attention to all of those things throughout the process PhotoReading a whole book, I can see how you'd feel too "busy!" But with PhotoReading, remember, conscious effort and attention is not always the most important part.

You need to be aware -- aim to stay calm, relaxed, breathing deeply, and keep your eyes in the PhotoFocus state. The tangerine technique is one way to cue subconscious to perform all the steps automatically, and it works with a bit of practice. At this point you you'll just have to "get into the state" and diverge your eyes when you start, and practice will have taught your mind to unconsciously and effortlessly maintain that without without such noticable effort as you seem to be torturing yourself with now.

The PhotoReading book only says that you ought to say relax, 1, 2, 3 if it helps you to do so, and in your case it sounds like it's making you nervous and making relaxed concentration much more difficult than it needs to be. If you take a few shallow breaths or your attention wanders for a second, it won't kill you -- just make sure you get in the habit of correcting yourself gently when you notice yourself wandering.

Maintain the state and flip the pages. That's all you really need. Practice makes perfect, and that's what I'm working on right now after all! I've only PhotoRead a few times, but the focus at least now comes natural to me, probably helped my a Silva-style mind relaxation technique. Hope that's somewhat helpful to you! PhotoRead the world away!
