It seems like a lot, but most of it you just do it and move on.

Alexk is right. The systems says to do the chant. Everything else is just happening.

I've been teaching my daughter four things she needs to do to get into state. Lately I've been trying to teach her to notice when she is out of state, and which of the four things she needs to return to. The same applies with PRing (okay, I've taken the ideas from the LSC material).

You just stay in Photo-Focus (or notice the white pattern both pages), relax, and don't let your mind wander too much.

When I started, I would put "relax" in my chant. The first few times I'd say it I could feel muscles relaxing. This is from someone that almost falls asleep when listening to Paul get you into the relaxed state.

One thing a fair number of beginners seem to think, is that you have to be aware of the tangerine all the time. NO. Just spend a few seconds experiencing it up there, then move on. If you feel the need to use it again, then go ahead. I've put the tangerine back up there while flipping, I only takes a second or two. I don't stop, I don't worry about it, I just do it because the idea came to me. It doesn't happen very often.

The idea is that you get into state using all those things of which you think you have to be conscious. Once you get there, then you use the system. Photo-focus and rhymthic page turning and you'll stay there. Rhymthmic page turning isn't so key as relaxed page turning. I get stumble on page turning sometimes, but I just go with it, and so stay in state.

You are perfection.