With the Whole Mind System, if I am understanding it correctky, you pull you preview the book and pull out key words etc (I am following along with the Personal Learning Course at the moment), then you Photoread the book, and then you select an area of the book (from the index) that you either thought was of interest or use to your goal at befoer the preview stage or that caught your eye while you were doing the previewing. You look at the contents page, and turn to that section and formulate questions about it. Then you superread and dip, or skitter to get the information you want. Pardon me for being ignorant here, but couldn't I just get a book and turn to the section that interests me and pull out what I want anyway? What is the point of Photoreading it, if I have to do all that "leg work" anyway? Also, if Photoreading helps me select parts of a book I might need for essays etc, why don't I just turn to thos sections anyway and get what I need? What, exactly, does Photoreading offer besides this? I kind of expected something more profound! Am I missing something?