Over the last few days I have continued to work with the Photoreading audio program and to use the Memory Supercharger Paraliminal recording.

Though I have committed myself to just let the experience be whatever it may be, and I have a strong feeling that I am onto something very powerful here through interacting with others on these forums and from speaking on the phone with Pete Bissonette, I have to say that I am already seeing and feeling real progress with the photoreading system.

CD 3 goes over the photofocus state and some of the other technical aspects of superreading, dipping and skittering. Then CD 4 goes into actually photoreading a book. While Paul suggested that we use his PR book, which is included in the program for this lesson, I had already read the book prior to receiving the program. So, I used a book that I have been wanting to read - The One Minute Millionaire by Robert Allen and Mark Victor Hansen.

After photoreading the book one evening, I took Paul's advice and slept on the information, confident that my other than conscious mind was busy at work making multitudes of connections to other knowledge in my conscious mind and body.

I continued with the program the next evening - and I was amazed at how much I had technically picked up from the previous bits of the program. The relaxed state that Paul helps to describe in the program was very easy and pleasant to get into and it made the rest of the process, such as superreading and dipping, or skittering much easier than I imagined it would be.

Before doing the superreading and dipping phase, I had just playfully flipped through the book and found many areas that I would like to explore more in depth and I wrote down a good handful or two of questions that I wanted to answer through my reading of the book. I really had my purpose for reading clearly in my mind.

It was quite late when I sat down to superread and dip through the book. After an hour I felt that I had already activated much more than I had hoped to get from the book. I just relaxed and let my eyes flow over the pages, moving at a rate well into speedreading areas, ranging from 2000 wpm and less, I am guessing. I would allow myself to be very relaxed and playful with it all - my eyes would move in a frolicking manner sometimes, like a young child flying his fork around here and there before finally landing in their mouth. That landing is the dipping part. You just let your eyes frolick and play until they find a word that they just have to eat up. Then you may slow down breifly to a more "normal" reading rate for a paragraph or two, then zoom back up into the flying superreading perspective.

I am very excited about this process and I can't wait to gobble up the piles of books that I have collected recently. I am putting together various piles of books that I am going to use for some syntopic experiments with photoreading.

[This message has been edited by livingsuccess (edited December 14, 2003).]