activating randomly using a combination of dipping and super reading."

Randomly???? You mean that you're not going to form mind probing questions or you have some other activation techniques.

If skipping the mind probing questions in your review I have to ask. Why bother with the review? Getting active asking questions hearing/seeing/feeling yourself find the answers is what makes the information memorable. If you're just going to be random about it... where's the glue?

I strongly recommend you pose mind probing questions. If you're not sure if you need to review a chapter turn the chapter head into a couple of questions. If you can answer the review is complete without superreading and dipping.

If you cannot answer the chapter heading consider a sytematic activation approach and include mind mapping the chapter and activate it till it fully gels for you.

Remember you can photoread the book again prior to each activation pass [can; not have to].

Set yourself a block of time where you are going to do your review avoid exceeding the timeframe you set for yourself and if you finish early be good to yourself and don't start another part of it that is going to take you over the time you set for your review. Repeatedly taking more time than originally intended becomes a block to getting started in the future.
