When I'm doing High think thank and image
streaming I get into the state of should
I see this? Sometimes I feel like my conscious mind is interfereing because I'll
see stuff maybe from a movie I just watched.

I've been doing HTT for about 4 days, once a day so far.

1. I go through the relaxation steps.
2. Then I grab an envelope with a question and say in my mind, "Inner mind this is a question I would like you to answer."
3. Then I start my tape recorder and say what I see. Then I stop and take notes, I make a rough sketch and write somethings down.

4. Then I take a few deep breaths and stat my tape recorder and take notes after words.
I do this one more time for a third image.

5. Next I look at my notes and form associations then I look at the question.

6. Now I answer the question to the best of my ability.

7. The next day I listen to what I recorded and think about the quesiton a little more
and decide wether the answer is something else.

I think my problem is that I'm not used to image streaming. I was thinking about just image streaming for about 15-20 minutes a day and then listening to what I said just to get used to this tool. Lots of times when I'm image streaming I know what I see but I have troubles with comeing up with words to describe what I saw. I do have very good recall of what I saw. When I play back the tape the next day or look at the notes I can remember the entire image stream pretty much exactly.

So critique me and give me some pointers or examples of what you've been doing or what you think I should be doing.