Learninator; what is really clear by your post and the examples is that there are people who do not know how the process works.

Here is a example of misinformation. Speed reading at 25,000 words a minute. We don't read at 25,000 words a minute.When a person photoreads the text is exposed to the part of the brain the other than conscious mind that can process 20,000 things at the same time.Later activation techniques are used to accomplish the person's goals for getting the information they want from the book.

Frankly; seeing this post if people decide that photoreading doesn't work they program their brain to fulfill their own prophecy.If you tell your brain this doesn't work your other than conscious mind says ok you're right.

Paul Scheele has already done a test.In the post someone was saying why doesn't he do a test. A few years ago a group of educators in Minnesota thought photoreading was impossible and a hoax.

A demonstration was held and a Photoreader photoread a volume of U.S. patent law that was projected on a video monitor. The photoreader photoread 30 pages a second approximately 690,000 words per minute. The Photoreader scored 75 percent comprehension and drew approximations of six patent illustrations and correctly identified their numeric sequence.

This demonstration was done right before their eyes and still they do not believe.Photoreading does not fit their paradigm.

Paul Scheele is a man of honor and integrity.He is also a genius. Your post kind of reminds me of when people did not understand that the planets revolve around the sun and Copernicus was explaining the truth they attacked him because it did not fit their paradigm.

Get your facts straight before you slander and attack such an honorable man and an honorable organization.

One last note when you close your mind you shut the door on a lot of other options.