Originally posted by othuat:
Hi guys, I've just started photoreading two weeks ago... would like to ask some questions:-

1. I've been trying to pr a technical book on 80386 processor. I have jotted down some trigger words throughout the process of previewing, but while trying to form questions out of the trigger words, I will just ask "what is <trigger word>?". Is it ok if i do that?

Sure it's okay if you are only asking for a definition or meaning of the word but for activation it's pretty useless.

What's your purpose? What do you really want to know from the text? Why do you want to know it? Where are you heading with the information?

2. During the activation process, I superread the chapters and superdip into topics that are of interest or that answers my questions from the trigger words. However, it seems that superdipping still isn't enough for me to understand the whole concept (based on trigger words) as I often just superdip at phrases or just a sentence or two. If i superdip more, it seems that I would succumb to regular reading. Should I wait for rapid reading in order to grasp or to answer all my questions based on the trigger words? Just keep on having this "empty" feeling...

Form better questions in relation to your purpose. Your dips are probably only leading you to meanings of the words and you have no real purpose in activation.

3. How do I know if I actually nid to superdip or I can just do rapid read interchangably? Cos some paragraphs really do interest me and I just feel totally wrong just to superdip at a sentence or two and get nothing out of it...


Again clarify your purpose, why are you activating this text. If the paragraph or page relates to your purpose then you read the paragraph or page (if you read a page then often that's all you really need to know from the book)

You switch between superread and rhymthic perusal (you use rhymthic perusal when dipping). Rapid reading and dipping are not really a swap. Rapid reading means to rapidly read the book from cover to cover and is the step after actvation. Manual activation is often skipped when reading a novel.
