Your attention/intention still needs to be with the book. If you let your mind wonder off while photoreading you're telling your inner mind this isn't important. If you try to occupy it with other things like an audio book or music... so that your conscious mind is otherwise occupied... it ignores the book.

Photoreading take place when the conscious mind is quiet and unconcerned about anything else. When this happens some unique brainwaves patterns come into play. The key to bringing them into play are 3 things;

1 Photofocus

2 Saying a chant that is calm, rhythmic unemotional. (to keep the mind quiet)

3 Rhythmic page turning

The chants job, is to occupy the conscious mind. The chant can be the question you are seeking an answer to. Or something that tell your mind you want the answer e.g, "I wonder what the answer is?" over and over again. The one in the book is excellent for beginners because it remind them to relax. Too often they are worried that they are not relaxed enough it's the worry that is not relaxing, just by quieting the mind and having the intention to take in the information is relaxed enough.
