Aspykers; i think you should definitely call Learning Strategies at 1-800-735-8273 and ask to speak to a Photoreading coach.These people want you to have success with the Photoreading system and reap the benefits that the system has to offer.

The ideal situation would be where you are in the Photoreading seminar with a certified Photoreading Instructor that would work with you to ensure that you are doing and using the techniques correctly. However if you are not able to attend the Photoreading seminar definitely call Learning Strategies and ask to speak with a Photoreading course.

There are people that Photoreading cannot work for. They usually fall into two groups.

One group is people who are going to prove that Photoreading can't possibly work. They program themselves for Photoreading not to work.

The other group would be people who put too much at stake or too much is riding on that they have to succeed at Photoreading and if they don't succeed there is too much at stake if they fail.

My opinion is that you do not appear to fall into any of those 2 groups.