We don't read at 25,000wpm. Anything above 800 wpm is no longer considered reading.

We photoread at 25,000plus words per minute.

They've attempted research. Done comprehension test but all those test have been invalidated simply because they involved a human subject. There have even been some interesting findings with the research that is never really mentioned. Why because it simply doesn't change the simple methodology for learning PhotoReading. It becomes like doing a study on buoyancy and floation aids just to have a soak in a bath tub.

As for my source of knowledge about research, I've noticed that it always stopped short. Never being conclusiv, when I asked Paul about it he said something along the line of yes, it's interesting, it's exciting but as far as research goes it's immediately invalidated because it involved a human test subject.

To prove that the brain does something during photoreading... we would actually need to put someone in a MRI device and they still need to work out how you're going to flip pages while you're hooked up.

Did you know that it's technically impossible to hit a baseball at the speed that it's thrown? The mind has to know the moment of impact and where the ball will be the instant it leaves the pitchers hand. It takes the correct focused concentration to respond to the instand the pitcher lets go of the ball because it cannot calculate the information while the ball is in fight. The eye may be able to see it but the body cannot respond. That's the really interesting thing that they are finding out... the body is responding "Long" before the mind is even aware of what is happening. So really the mind can freeze the action mid motion by denying it's reaction response by you saying.."I can't", body says, 'oh? Okay, if you say so. So be it.'

Ever notice that some drug test the placebo is more effective than the drug? The human mind has so much potential it's fair to say PhotoReading is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to mind skills.

Why don't we hear from people who are successfully doing degrees with photoreading? Probably because they got the techniques working and don't need to hang around forums reassuring themselves that the system works by telling others about it. They have better things to do and find out with their photoreading skills. Those who can, "do". Those who can't, yet, "still need convincing".

Oops realised I wrote a lot was about to delete it then got the feeling some of you are interested in that stuff. So I've left it for you.
