Balance seems to come from an attitude adjustment.

Both Sandy and babayada presented valid points showing examples how the attitude of both the student or the instructor when closed down makes it difficult to teach or learn from one who lacks the flexibility of just giving it a go. Both sides need to be open to exploring ways of learning otherwise we hit a stalemate.

It does come down to the attitude toward learning rather than the belief that it works. Believing that it works can become a hinderance to learning simply because the believer has not yet learned the methods of the skills and in his or her belief system has conceived it to work a certain and trying to teach them differently becomes a block.

The fact that PhotoReading works has been around for centuries. Many people have demonstarted this skill. The question really isn't "does it work?" The question is "Can it be taught?". The answer to that question now is, Yes, it can. Are you willing to be a learner of PhotoReading?


[This message has been edited by Alex K. Viefhaus (edited April 09, 2004).]