Originally posted by CommonSense:
Step 4: Use the structure like you would a reference book.
Step 5: Just read it regularly

Step 4 is more than just getting the structure or a general overview. I often don't even need Step 5, because Superreading and Dipping gives me such a complete picture. And you use the subconciously processed information that you get from photoreading while activating, so it's more than using the structure.

Also, I don't think that rapid reading = regular reading at all. Otherwise what would be the point of the system? I use rythmic perusual while Rapid Reading and have been working on getting rid of subvocalization while Rapid Reading. Plus it's a much lighter reading style, where you can skip over parts you already know go quickly over other parts because you've already been exposed to it so much.

Just my ideas, hope that doesn't sound offense.