Originally posted by Nicéforo: (como todos) mi punto más débil es la Activación, por ahora. Me gustaría compartir impresiones y experiencias
The PhotoRead step in the overall reading process permits the non- or pre-conscious mind to come into play as we work with the book. That's the key: to work with the book, being genuinely curious about something the author is arguing, and maintaining a thought process that engages the author, deliberately trying to learn something. I am finding that in the preview stage I can become more interested in what a book can offer me, and in the activation stage my mind is (ideally) running a thought track, in a relaxed way: what is he saying here, why is he saying that, what do I think of it, how does it relate to me. Think of it this way: Activation is active-ation. There are some subject matters which I am afraid to touch, because I worry that I won't be able to understand (must abandon fear!). Such as works that deal with a lot of philosophy and such that I don't know enough about. But I have to engage the author actively according to my level, and the material will leap to my awareness and find its way into my map. Wanting to be actively engaged with the contents of the book is the thing. Approaching books purposively is what it's all about.

El paso de 'lectura foto' permite la mente no consciente entrar en la comprension cuando luego hacemos el esfuerzo de llegar a esa comprension. El concepto clave es ese ultimo: el esfuerzo de llegar, lo que requiere que tenga curiosidad sobre lo que trata o dice el autor. Por mi parte, durante el primer chequeo puedo interesarme en lo que ofrece el libro. Durante la actuacion de los contenidos (o de mi comprension) experimento una corriente de pensamientos tales como, que dice aqui, por que lo dice, como respondo yo, en que me pertenece su argumento. La activacion es activa en lo fundamental. La actividad es intelectual. Generalmente cuando una persona lee un libro, trata las palabras de manera pasiva. Permite que el autor dirige los pensamientos, lo que es ineficiente. El presente sistema insiste en un proceso intelectual activo, en el cual haber hecho la fase de lectura de foto es muy util porque facilita la busqueda por lo que nos puede ser util.