Having high self esteem means being able to fully accept and love yourself regardless of where you are at in your life. High self esteem is not dependant on circumstances outside of you. It is truly about having peace of mind.

Paraliminals are not going to force another person to embrace and accept your reality. These tools do not give you power to make someone else go against their will, making them loose the ability to make choices in their life. Paraliminals are designed to help the user change subconscious programs in their mind that have sabotaged and stopped them from attaining their goals.

In the case of a relationship, paraliminals may help you become more receptive to people that are ready to be in the kind of relationship that you are looking for. In other words you will develop the skill to recognize people that are about what you are about and to know when these opportunities have arrived. You cannot force a women who has no interest in you to start having an attraction towards you. How do you know that the women that you want so badly is even capable of being in a healthy and loving relationship? Things always look good on the outside, but do you know the inner workings of her mind. If you have asked her out many times and she has refused, maybe she is not attracted to you or likes playing games. If it is the latter than you are dealing with someone who has issues and it might be better that you find someone else. It is not about being so obsessed with one person and having a tunnel vision of wanting that specific woman, I personally think it is healthier to build up your self esteem so that you can attract someone who you are compatible with emotional, intellectually, spiritually and physically. By having true compatibility you are building a foundation that creates a long lasting stable relationship. Do not place limits on your mind, this defeats the purpose of the paraliminals. Suppose this women ends up giving in to your needs and then you find out she has a whole a lot of baggage and unresloved issues, are you willing to be in a toxic and unhealthy relationship just for the sake of getting this specific woman. Is it really worth it? My last word of advice is be careful what you wish for because you might just get it.