Hi, first of all I have to say that the web-site doesn't make a very good impression on me. It's `Buy now!' factor is a bit to high for me. Probing through the unlogical structure is like getting stuck on a XXX site with popping windows.

I understand: `mentally photograph the printed page at 25,000 words per minute.' doesn't give the same comprehension level as normal reading and the time spent doing the other steps should be added if I would like to compare. I guess that's what `Process and understand any book at least three times faster than you can now.' means.

Anyway, I'm curious now and just ordered the book to explore. A few notes.

I found out while I read Tony's speedreading book that I'm very low on speed (120 WPM) and very hi on comprehension (> 90%) and was surprised to find out that most people recall only 50% of what they read. (I thought colleges just didn't read company mail but I guess they just don't recall the content.) I did several IQ test on the web and average around 155. Maybe my reading style is very different than normal.

I find it impossible (until now) to silence the voice (stop subvocalising) but I'm not sure if I want to if it makes me loose comprehension. If I increase to around 500 WPM, comprehension drops to around 60%. I find it very unsatisfying. I still have to subvocalise on words that pass my eyes.

I started studying and exploring reading as a whole (including all forms of speed- super- hyper- and photoreading and like to hear your experience.

Please let my negative introduction not with hold you from giving me positive feedback and thoughts.

Remko Bolt
(The Netherlands)

Everything you know is wrong. But some of it is a useful first approximation. <Eric S. Raymond>