Wow. I needed to see this post.

I'm in a similar situation with a friend of mine.I know that my feelings of "not being his type" are ruining this for me.

I also get absolutely tongue-tied as well, even though that is something that has never happened to me.

I really appreciate all the suggestions, I'm going to start working more serious with my Natural Brilliance as well as the paraliminals suggested.

It's interesting, someone mentioned using Personal Magnetism on someone that you'd like to be like, and this guy is what I'd like to be. I'm not sure what that says, but his traits are awesome and I'd love to be able to incorporate them into my life. To what end, I do not know. I just know that the way he is, is how I am not. He is confident, assured, aware and full of life. I want those things in my life .. I just worry about using something like Personal Magnetism on the person I actually want to be with.

Thanks for being so honest and willing to share, it is really appreciated.
