I am really enjoying all the input, It'll take me some time to look up some of the information presented not to mention getting a handle on it!
Thanks for that Stanford site and the supermemo site. The Stanford Sleepiness scale which has 7 steps from 1 being active and alert and wide awake to 7 , fighting sleep and having dream-like thoughts was excellent descriptions of sleep stages. Up until the writing of this post I'd say I'm at about 5, foggy!!! It is about time for my "nap".
I'll have to look up the other site later on in the early morning hours.
Hey Boylanpower,
I saw that episode with Cramer trying to reduce his sleep time!! Do you remember when Cramer had nothing to do at night so that he had to get Jerry up because "I'm bored out of my mind!" Then Jerry...
Well, anyway, I need some shut eye now, I'm not concentrating well.

Sleep Long and Prosper!!

Hope I didn't embarass you any further Boylan, by including your name in my last rant!