I can´t believe it. I have been looking for exactly this topic for 2 years now. When I heard about some studies concerning polyphasic sleep (in summer 2000) by a doctor who unfortunately couldn´t remember title, author, journal of the article. So I was looking for such a long time for well-documented articles how to get in sleep by "command" and waken up to shorten sleep time.
(sorry, guys, for my bad English, my last English lesson was in 1993 :-)). By the way, I am a medical student from Germany having a big state exam in 3 weeks!!!).

Now, I am so happy to have entered this forum. Please could someone explain how to geht in Theta sleep..... by using mind machines???.....how long does it take to learn going into Theta???
I would be very glad if someone could give me some answers.
Hope you all had a nice day. NOw it is past midnight in Europe but I think you have 6 more hours :-))

Greetings from Germany,
